Beginning to Learn
I didn’t really get a full night’s sleep. More of a quick nap before meeting up with my ex to hang out when she gets off her graveyard shift. It went really well and we got along like we did when we were interested in each other. I have reservations as I’m not interested in […]
International Day of Drinking
Wound up meeting with my ex girlfriend this morning. It was a pretty cathartic and awakening experience. We didn’t end on the greatest terms. She had cheated on me a couple times and had a pretty severe alcohol addiction. A few months after we split up she ended up getting sober and began a long, […]
Rest Day?
Today, the workout app had me take a day off. Which seems weird to me. I’m not sure if I’m doing any of this shit right. But I am losing pounds, however it’s unclear if that’s just naturally fluctuating water weight. Meeting up with an ex girlfriend after her graveyard shift tomorrow morning, We split […]
Inching Forward
Building this Site amid Life
Welcome to The Portly Man
Here’s me attempting some accountability through very non-scientific trial and error. I woke up way too fucking early today. My knee hurts but my full-body stress rash is finally starting to subside. The first time I noticed a stress rash was about a year leading to my divorce. It started on my abdomen and chest […]