Fucking On

I started today off with my primary partner coming by after she was done with work. We laid in bed and cuddled up a lot and talked. After some time we begin to fool around. For the first time in her adult life, I gave her her first sober orgasm — from another person, that is. Can’t lie, this felt really good because she has opened up to me and I was able to get through to her. Afterward we talked about my date later in the afternoon.

After this morning bliss, I went to my weekend rehearsal and we nailed a bunch of songs we haven’t been playing in a white. This also felt like good, rarified air.

I have been talking with a really awesome lady on an app and the first time that I had felt banter on a dating app since my unfriendly ex. This was a relief.

I have another show tonight that I’m not particularly looking forward to other than possibly bringing this new lady out.