You’re Fucking Fired

The client I had been moving an inordinate amount of data for fired me today. After I met with them on Monday and they were seemingly very happy. Between this and the few women I’ve recently separated from, I’m beginning to question how well I can actually understand people.

Losing this client caused a weird shift in my stress level. It actually lowered but increased at the same time. I need to get paid from my new job the next two weeks. Now I’ll have time to contribute and focus on that. However, I was expecting a few thousand payout from completing this site within my next 8 work hours (that’s seriously how much longer there is to put into it before it’s production-ready) and now that’s not coming. So I have this scraping to continue to do until I can get some money from the only one other straggling project that hasn’t paid my old agency yet.

Here I am back in the financial pit, but overall feeling kinda freed. I need to get loose from my old agency and move forward. I see my new business partner get agitated at my commitment vs my expectations. I need to get back to high-output activities. And I don’t want to disappoint her. This is my future on the line as well.